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Jupiter’s Next Big Move on Solana

Jupiter dex announcing 3 new cryptos Jupiter dex announcing 3 new cryptos

Jupiter, a big name on Solana, is buzzing with news. They’re thinking about launching three new tokens. And guess what? It’s all up to the community to say yes or no.

Meet the Contenders

Here are the stars of the show:

  • Sanctum: They make staking easy.
  • Sharky: Need a loan with your NFT? They’ve got you.
  • deBridge: Trading across chains? No problem.

“Community decides what flies and what doesn’t,”

Meow, Jupiter’s boss.

Over the next two weeks, these projects will chat with the Jupiter crowd. They’ll use town halls and social media to make their case. Then, it’s voting time. Everyone with JUP tokens gets a say.

Why This Matters

Jupiter’s move is more than just new tokens. It’s about giving power to the people. If the community likes an idea, it happens. If not, it’s back to the drawing board.

Last week, Jupiter dropped its own token, JUP. It was a hit, but not without drama. Some said the team kept too much for themselves. Meow brushed off the chatter, focusing on the future.

As of now, JUP’s doing well. It hit $0.59, then settled at $0.55. That’s a 5% jump in a day.

Looking Ahead

What’s next? It’s all eyes on the community. Their vote could kickstart these projects on Solana. Jupiter’s showing the crypto world how it’s done. It’s not just about making money. It’s about building something cool, together.

Stay tuned. The next few weeks could change the game for Solana and Jupiter.

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